By Brian James Rose
Your day to day lifestyle choices and patterns play a huge role in influencing your microbiome. And with so much technological advancement in medicine, it is not much a problem to monitor the changes in your microbiome on a regular basis. It is important that you know and understands your genome, either by 23 and me or any other service that makes it possible for you to get it. The main purpose to understand your genome is not just to get your genome sequence, but to manipulate that data to get an idea about the current needs of your body. When you understand your genome and what it means, you can make lifestyle changes as and when required to balance out the imbalances in your body.
For instance, if you find out through your genome that you have a poor methylate, then you can make changes by addressing it right but if you have no idea that you have a poor methylate then it is quite likely that your homocysteine levels can go up; which is a huge risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s. On the same lines, you should know your vitamin D level, fastening glucose level, ketone levels, and hemoglobin to be aware of how your body is functioning, and whether it needs some special attention.
When it comes to the number of these levels, you need to know that as per medical standards it is always better to have them on a lower side. For instance, when you have insulin levels on a lower side it means that you are consuming fewer carbs and have less blood sugar elevations. As a result, the likelihood of your body developing a resistance to insulin will be very less. But, when your insulin levels go extremely low, especially in women; the chances of Alzheimer’s certainly increase. Other than an extremely low sugar and low carbohydrate diet, polymorphisms of genes are responsible for very low levels of insulin in people.
Recent researches have proved time and again that getting rid of the plaque or beta-amyloid is not the cure for treating Alzheimer’s, as it is quite clear that the amyloid is not the root cause of the problem, but only a response to it. In fact, getting the brain rid of beta-amyloid in clinical trials has only resulted in worsening the condition of Alzheimer’s patients. In that case, the notion of an Alzheimer’s drug is not anymore relevant.
40 million people are affected by Alzheimer’s on a global scale. The numbers are multiplying rapidly, making it critically important to find ways to reduce this growth rate. One significant way to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s is by making lifestyle changes. Lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, high sugar intake, all come together to increase the cortisol levels in your body, which eventually results in inhibiting the growth of new brain cells. So, lifestyle changes, particularly physical exercise do change your gene expression, leading to a better growth hormone for the brain.
BDNF or brain-derived neurotrophic factor is something that needs to be worked upon to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. The BDNF is like a building block in your brain that performs two significant functions. First, it helps increase the growth of new brain cells in the memory center of your brain. Secondly, it helps connect the brain to a process called neuroplasticity.
BDNF can be increased by adding turmeric in your meals, taking DHA supplements, CBD, and most importantly by aerobic exercise. Exercising 20 minutes a day five days a week can manipulate your BDNF expression, consequently reducing your risk of dementia in the future.
As Alzheimer’s is related to inflammation and inflammation is linked to the gut; there is certainly an association of these two. But, the most important thing here is to understand that although Alzheimer’s cannot be treated as of now, it can be prevented by making certain lifestyle changes. You need to do everything that helps reduce inflammation, and lifestyle choices are one of the most important things that need to be addressed. Because, your lifestyle choices including your food habits and sleep patterns influence your genome, which in turn responds to maintain your health.
You need to undo the harm you have done to your body and strive towards achieving higher levels of BDNF in the brain. You have the ability to shape your genetics, not just by exercise, food, and good sleep, but by practicing compassion and meditation as well. Because only when you take a holistic approach towards healing your physical body, can you actually rewire your brain and make it less susceptible to diseases like Alzheimer’s.
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