About The Product
Antibiotic Antidote™
What is Antibiotic Antidote?
Antibiotic Antidote™ creates the
right environment to enable friendly bacteria to flourish again in your gut
- Targets free radicals generated by antibiotic use (as well as disease and other exposures)
- May help reduce cellular inflammation
- Strengthens mucosal lining in the gut
- Reduces pathogens by producing bacteriocins
- Balances pH in the gut

HOW Antibiotic Antidote™ works
If you need to take antibiotics, we want you to know you don’t need to accept what it does to your body afterwards. When antibiotics are taken, not only do they kill the pathogens causing our illness, but they also destroy the good bacteria we need for optimal health. Gastrointestinal upset, skin irritation, and compromised brain function are some affects you can expect from taking antibiotics. Antibiotic Antidote™ helps reclaim the normal balance of bacteria in the gut and promotes better immune health.
Antibiotic Antidote™ creates the right environment to enable friendly bacteria to flourish again as your body rebuilds its ecosystem and you begin to feel better.
Antibiotics destroy or slow down bacterial growth and leave the immune system compromised. While the process of gut restoration can take several months to re-establish itself, taking our unique probiotic is an easy way to support your immune system and your journey to better health.
Our eight-strain formula includes three keystone strains that are proprietary to us and work in harmony with the other four strains to form a stable, sustainable community that allows the gut microbiome to produce the necessary metabolites to promote healthy living. We also include a versatile bacterium that comes from the soil. Our ancestors encountered soil every day. Our modern lifestyles have taken us far away from the many beneficial microbes that are found in soil.
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(855) 258-8588